
A rewarding way to enrich school life

Our wonderful volunteers contribute richly to the learning program and enrich community life at St Patrick’s.

There are so many ways you can be involved as a parent or friend, including:

  • Classrooms - by supporting reading, attending excursions, helping with art and craft, and participating in literacy and numeracy activities
  • The Resource Centre - by helping with recording and looking after library books
  • Sports - by coaching and managing teams
  • Canteen - by making lunches and serving children during recess and lunch
  • Committees - by serving on the School Board or Parents & Friends Committee.

Every volunteer needs to have a Working with Children Clearance before starting their service, and our office team guides new volunteers through this process. 

A current Certificate in Responding to Abuse and Neglect (RAN) is also required. This training takes about two hours, and it can be completed online.  A link to complete this can be sent to you via email, just see the Front Office Staff.

Finally, every new volunteer must also attend a St Patrick’s Induction for Volunteers session.  Please click on the below buttons to see further information required

  • Induction Booklet for Volunteers
  • Volunteer Declaration Form
  • Volunteer Applicaton Package

These forms are also available via the Front Office if you require hard copy forms.

If you would like to learn more about becoming a volunteer, contact us.


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Catholic Education